Dear Ludger,
thank you for your comment.
I assure you about your action recommendation: spend some money on Kalymnos is what we already do and we will continue to do when on holiday. But this is just the easier and temporary solution that rich tourists can think of; it is not a political action. I do not think that we are just talking about a problem of money: it is first of all a problem of social organization. If we don’t think this way, we can just help each other but without understanding what unites and what separates our peoples and our economies (this also because of the “tendentious press and media”, as you wrote).
Let’s try with a simple provocation about the violence of the dominated vs. the one of the dominating: when somebody attacks/destroys ATM machines you call him black bloc, now that banks are forcedly closed and ATM machines do not let you take more than a few euros, how can we call it: bank bloc?
I’m not inviting anybody to do strange things if not meditating.
Of course, as climbers we have to help Kalimnians supporting the alternative climbing tourism there. But Greece is not just Kalymnos island, and Europe is not just Greece. Somebody else will be tomorrow in a similar situation…and we just cannot run around the world spending our money!
I hope I don’t sound too much pessimist or destructive. I’m just expanding the problem.