This was, I think, just a proposal.
Climbers do not play an abusing game: we practice climbing in nature, and to do so we reach a compromise on nature WITHOUT the opposite party, that is…nature!
So we should be smart enough to act in a decent way and learn to live in nature respecting nature. This is not always easy, I know it well; but it’s easier if you try. A lot of big climbing areas in the world have bird bans and usually they do not cause big problems to climbers.
Sometimes nature has proved climbers are wrong: for example when they open new crags that come down after the rain. Or would you say it’s the birds’ fault to choose to live in a hole in the rocks on which we usually climb?
Anyway, it is also true (I would say obvious) that climbing is NOT the most dangerous threat for nature and wildlife nowadays.
So no one wants a “dictatorship of ecology”, but…considering the amount of rubbish you can find in some Kalymnos areas, I think it would probably be a better world with more birds in the air and less dickheads at the crags.