Hi Mike, I just want to inform anyone who has doubts about the resoling work at Mike’s Kalymnos Resole that they need not hesitate to hand their shoes over to Mike for resoling. I had my Scarpa Feroces resoled November of 2015 by Mike and have just returned from seven weeks of climbing in the Peloponnese and the islands in a sun so hot that my toes cooked without any delamination whatsoever. Thanks, Mike. I will be returning to Kalymnos this November once again. Did you see the mention in Rock & Ice in the May issue of this year of Yannis and Themis’ Your Market? The author raved about the hummus. Sonya and I thought we had uncovered our own little gold mine when we realized how good this hummus was. The olives too. Not too salty. Can’t find any olives like them here. We can’t wait to return. Steve