Hello we are a group of 3( for sure, maybe 4) staying at massouri the first week of may.
My companions are really motivated climbers and the want to climb as much as possile in the other hand we are kind of celebrating “something” so we would like to have a day off and my treat is going to efesus.
I have seen that i have to spend a night over due to the ferry timetable so i was wondering if any local could tell me if there is any friend with a boat that want to pick ys up at bodrum or dudim better at the end of the day?? To give us a ride??
Or if there is any other way to do back and return in the same day.
I know it is and odd question but i think it would be awesome to go and see the celsus library! And artemsa temple at least!!!
If this forum works and any other climber is interested maybe we can work a group out!