I will be leaving Kalymnos April 19 to travel and want to unload my gear the day before. All gear is well used, fully functional.
I’d prefer a worthwhile offer for the whole lot, or here are piece by piece prices:
8 BD Quickdraws 40 euro for the set
6 extra BD wire gates 12 euro
Camp Armour Helmet 5 euro
Harness BD big gun, medium very well used 5 euro
Metolius Rope 70m x 9.8mm, but feels more like 10.2mm pretty tight in grigri 2, good in ATCs and grigri 1. 3 years old. Typical sheath wear for its age. No soft spots/core shots. 20 euro
Scarpa techno shoes 42.5 well used, resoled, free.
email mountainhick at mountainserver dot net
I am in Massouri