Wild Country (6a, 265m, 9 pitches) is the latest multi-pitch route opened by Swiss mountain guides Peter Keller and Urs Odermatt on Telendos in May 2010. It is to the left of Wings for Life –the other very popular multi-pitch equipped by the Swiss duo in 2008. Wild Country is a fully bolted multi-pitch route, already a ‘best seller’ amongst climbers visiting Kalymnos. Just 10 days after its first ascent, the little guest book at the top of the route lists 20 repeats. As the name implies, the route materialized thanks to the invaluable sponsorship of British company Wild Country.
Photo above: Tania Matsuka reaches for glory
Approach: From the village of Telendos, follow the trail to Crystal Cave (1,5 hours). Alternatively, you can take a boat to the nearest point below the cliff and walk straight uphill for ‘only’ 30 minutes. To hire a boat call Captain Yiannis (tel. +30-694-481-9073).
Return: Anywhere between 1 hour and an all-night epic! After you complete the route, keep walking until you reach the highest point of the island. Descend from the other side (north), passing by the chapel of Agios Konstantinos. Follow the cairns at first; then, at the chapel, the trail becomes clearer as it leads back to the village of Telendos. Alternatively, you can ask Captain Yiannis ahead of time when he will be making the Telendos – Irox route, and catch the boat on its way back (usually at 17:00 or 19:00, but best to check with him; for his number, see above).

Clockwise from top left: Wild Country; Tania Matsuka and Monica T. Sancho; Urs, Peter and Tania; the guestbook at the top
1 Comment
Hi Aris,
I haven’t done Wings but one of my friends who did Wild Country with me thought Wild Country was a full grade harder than Wings For Life. He thought the 7th pitch (the corner) was the crux of Wings but that the rest of that route was quite easy and non-serious.
Both my friends thought the 6th pitch of Wild Country was 6a+. It was certainly quite a bit harder than the other 2 6a pitches (I was happy with 6a but accept it may be quite a bit harder for short people). The ‘reach for glory’ is quite a long one and the vertical climbing after the traverse is quite sustained.
My friend who has done both routes felt that Wild Country was a far more serious and intimidating route than Wings. All the pitches are interesting and quite sustained but the bolting is good.
Dave Musgrove (via e-mail)